Monday 14 March 2011

Long Curly Hair Styles

A lot of women love to have long curly hair but not all are blessed with it, neither all those who have, are happy about it. They are not happy with the manageability of the hair. Curly hairs tend to become frizzy especially when brushed and sometimes become impossible to comb. But with today’s styling products, people with naturally curly hair are offered with a lot of styles to choose from.

Ringlets and Roses: - To create this style, lift up all your hair on one side of the head and smoothen the hair with your fingers or a wide toothed comb. After it has been smoothed out properly with the curls visible, you will have to tie a fastener to this portion of the hair to secure it above the head. You can wear a bejeweled clip or a rose to give a dressy look. To add shine to your curls, you can apply liquid curl definer. This look is apt with a black dress.

Doing an Up do: - For this hairdo, you have to gather all your hair and tie it into a ponytail right at the middle of the hair. Then wrap the ponytail around into a bun and secure it with some pins. Another option is to tie a partial knot with a portion of your hair and leave the rest of the hair flowing down the back.a light mist of hair spray should be used and the fingers combed down till the ends of the hairs so that the mist spreads evenly all over the hair. If you are blessed with natural curls and it tends to go frizzy and dry, a good moisturizing shampoo should be used. Have your hair cut along in layers to restore your curl and body. While choosing the hair style, you should take into consideration, the type of lifestyle that you lead. If you do not have much time to be spent in front of the mirror, ask your stylist to choose an easy to maintain look.

Long curly hair does look very gorgeous and stylish but it also needs a lot of care. Getting a proper hair cut and using the right products would help the hair remain shiny and glossy. Curly hairs require a lot of moisture especially during summer to prevent it from getting frizzy. Use a good moisturizing shampoo or a leave in conditioner to get your hair properly conditioned. Other products that should be used for maintaining the long curly tresses are frizz-control treatments, mousses and gels that are specially made for curly hairs. These help in replacing the lost moisture and avoid getting split ends

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